Friday, February 14, 2020

Introduction to Personal and Professional Practice - Final Assignment Essay

Introduction to Personal and Professional Practice - Final Assignment - Essay Example However, experience alone cannot impact learning outcomes unless an individual is taught how to reflect or look back and apply their experience in the milieu of today’s dynamics. According to Boud et al. (1985, p. 7) experience-based learning is essentially a combination of three distinct phases; preparation, engagement and processing. During the course of the module I realized that real life experiences and happenings influenced my approach towards the learning outcomes the most, specifically in the preparation stage where I gradually began to comprehend then define the targets I associated with and ultimately hoped to achieve through the learning experience. Even though, researchers such as Day (1993) have audaciously asserted that the role of reflection in personal and professional development has proved to be insufficient, I still hold the view that the strong correlation between experience-based learning and structured reflection as established by Boud et al. (1985) is im perative to the achievement of desired outcomes, aims and objectives when undertaking efforts to seek personal and professional enhancement. ... earning experience was greatly enhanced once it was understood that knowledge of personal and professional development and practice has the ability to shape the course of an individual’s career by aiding skill enhancement, developing problem-solving expertise and promoting critical thinking. According to a research conducted by Liaw and Huang (2012), the self-regulation ability of a learner in an e-learning environment is dependent upon two variables; the extent to which the learner is satisfied with the knowledge being offered and the degree to which the learner perceives the learning outcome as useful or of practical application in a workplace setting. It should be noted that based on the aforementioned research, perceived satisfaction and usefulness of e-learning initiatives in the practical world as well as the interactive setting itself can be established as a basic need of learners, the inexistence of which can discourage potential pupils from exercising commitment towar ds successfully completing the module or even opting for it in the first place. Supervisors, mentors and teachers can employ the findings of such studies to identify the specific requirements of learners when designing personal and professional development programs to ensure that participants reap maximum benefits out of the curriculum which has wider applicability in a practical scenario. This part of the essay will discuss the skills and techniques that are required to continue effective learning. Ames and Archer (1988) concluded that motivation processes based on goal-orientation are a critical factor in facilitating effective learning, perhaps because an individual’s efforts that are directed towards the achievement of an objective also revive the notion of self-efficacy that is based upon

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Freedman talk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Freedman talk - Essay Example The purpose of the speech was to warn Americans into being led to the same trap and fate for primarily analogous reasons. The distressful contents of Freedman’s speech could be interpreted differently by readers. One could immediately be swayed and convinced of the veracity and credibility of Freedman’s contentions given that he was regarded as a successful Jewish businessman with inside connections to Jewish organizations and famous American leaders of his time. However, some people would still regard his arguments as merely preposterous due to the antithetical information, the validity of which should have set the records straight. In sum, Freedman’s speech gained notoriety and controversy in terms of the delicate nature of the information he revealed. By pinpointing the major tragic events to the Khazars, a warlike tribe, who supposedly carries the commitment to provoke chaos with their communal interests for economic gain, readers would continue to reflect on his credibility and his inner personal or professional purpose for the discourse. Freedman’s speech would continue to be a subject for literary